Into the Matrix

Remote Viewing Services

Welcome Visitor

We are delighted that you have found us. We offer services related to Remote Viewing.

Remote Viewing (RV) is a method of extrasensory perception developed on scientific principles. This technique enables the acquisition of information, independent of space and time, about a predefined query. A team consisting of a viewer and a monitor works through a protocol during a session. In this process, the viewer collects information about the query, while the monitor guides through the protocol and asks the right questions at the right time. Our utmost goal is always to keep desires, fears, and fantasies out, ensuring we provide as neutral data as possible. Therefore, the viewer knows nothing about the query they are working on. True remote perception indeed.

Sounds too good to be true? Then get to know us and our capabilities. We are more than happy to assist you. And if browsing our website sparks your fascination, we would also be pleased to train you in this extraordinary technique.

The universe is a helluva tough place One of the greatest problems the spiritual being has to deal with is how he interacts with matter, energy, space, and time. For him to be able to do this, he has to learn something about it. Life can be a mystery and a very threatening one unless the spiritual being becomes aware that he can and does interact with matter, energy, space, and time then the universe becomes potentially his by ownership.

Ingo Swann

Remote Viewing - The Path into the Matrix

Even though the physical processes are largely unknown (though there are indeed promising theories), thanks to decades of psychological research, we now understand quite well what happens in the viewer’s mind during a session. The origins of Remote Viewing date back to the 1970s. The first successful experiments in extrasensory perception were conducted at the Stanford Research Institute, involving Harold E. Puthoff and Ingo Swann. These experiments attracted the interest of American intelligence agencies. Until the mid-1990s, RV was successfully applied in a secret unit under intelligence or military patronage, including for military reconnaissance, while the method itself continued to be researched and further developed at the Stanford Research Institute.

Eventually, this research was made public. Since then, Remote Viewing has been practiced by civilian viewers and taught by providers such as the Remote Viewing Academy.

Today, RV is used for various purposes. Examples include uncovering past events, describing processes and operations, understanding the functioning of technical devices, deciphering relationship networks, characterizing individuals, healing and root cause analysis, locating missing persons and lost objects, predicting sports events or stock market trends, describing the optimal or most likely personal/professional development, or even just depicting an ideal partner.

What Our Trainees Say

Get in Touch!

If you are interested in our work or have general questions about Remote Viewing, we look forward to your message!

About us

We have turned our passion into a profession and are excited to offer you our services through Remote Viewing. Our focus areas include training/seminars, lectures, and contract work. We place great emphasis on using Remote Viewing to be supportive, promotive, and helpful, making this extraordinary tool accessible to the public.


Interview with Lyn Buchanan

We had the great honor of interviewing Lyn Buchanan, who was a Remote Viewer in the U.S. military for over 8 years. He also took on the role of database manager and later became a trainer for the unit. We talked to him about his time in the military unit, about Controlled Remote Viewing, ideograms, and extensively about consciousness.


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Timo in Conversation with Tom Campbell about Consciousness and Remote Viewing

What is consciousness? And what role does the physical world play in our development? What happens during remote viewing? We have the honor of discussing these and many other highly interesting questions with physicist and consciousness researcher Thomas Campbell. Enjoy watching.


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